Introducing the Practically Fit Podcast
Our podcast has launched! You can find it on all major podcast platforms, or listen directly on our website. We’ve dropped three episodes to start, and plan to post a new episode every week on Wednesdays, which you’ll receive direct to your inbox as a PF subscriber.
If you enjoy the content, it would mean a lot to Jen and me if you left a review (ESPECIALLY on Apple Podcasts). See more on the episodes below, but here are links to the show on a few popular platforms:
If you have topics you’d like us to cover on the podcast, please send me an email at Thanks for listening.
PF Episode 1: Our Fitness Journeys
In the first episode of the Practically Fit podcast, Jennifer and I discuss our personal fitness journeys, including how Jen went from smoking cigarettes to smoking marathons, and how I learned many a fitness lesson through failures that date all the way back to middle school.
We also talk about their recent “aha” moments for fitness, and how that’s led us on a journey to be “practically fit,” including some new fitness fundamentals that we think will benefit your approach to fitness and exercise as you age.
PF Episode 2: Setting Realistic Fitness Goals
Setting realistic fitness goals isn’t always easy. In the second episode of the podcast, Jen and I talk about some of the barriers we’ve faced in setting realistic goals, like being overly competitive and or trying to overcompensate for fear of health problems.
We also share some tips that can help you set more realistic fitness goals, and talk about what some of those goals might look like in practice.
PF Episode 3: Recovering from Injury
As we get older, the chances for injury increase. That’s the happy thought that Jen and I start off the third episode with. We talk about what happens to your body as you age, and what research says are the most common injuries for people over 40. We also talk about our worst injuries, and what we learned from them. Spoiler alert: Jen had a really weird toe injury.
We end the podcast on a positive note—concepts you can use to recover from injury and help your mindset.