Real Fitness Over 40

Jennifer and I have been friends, and fitness buds, for more than seven years. Fitness has been central to our friendship, and helped us get to know each other. You can learn a lot about someone on a ten mile run.

We have two goals for the newsletter and podcast. Our first goal is to be part of the movement against Instagram fitness culture. And honestly, is Instagram fitness culture really any different then the fitness culture we grew up with the 80s and 90s? It’s always the same: chiseled bodies, outsized goals, and unrealistic workouts.

Our second goal is to share ideas about how fitness changes for us as we age. We’re not getting any younger. And neither our are bodies. So how do we achieve strong muscles, a healthy heart and a healthy mind as we age, all while staying safe and injury free? Join us on our journey to find real fitness over age 40.

Our Fitness Fundamentals

We believe that fitness should be:

  • Heart Healthy: First and foremost, exercise should support a healthy cardiovascular system and heart. Because you only get one heart, and once it’s done, well…

  • Safe: Exercise should be done safely, free of injury.

  • Empowering: Fitness should make you feel good about yourself. We believe in building both strength in your body and mind, not chasing unrealistic body aesthetics. 

  • Diet Friendly: You should be able to eat and drink things that you enjoy, as long as your diet is reasonably healthy and you continue your exercise program.

  • Practical: Exercise should fit into your everyday life–it shouldn’t be so time consuming that you feel like it takes up all your free time. Or so complicated that it becomes a chore.

  • Inclusive: Fitness is for everybody. Full stop. No matter who you are, no matter what your body type, no matter what your skill level.

Subscribe for weekly fitness and workout ideas, news on the latest fitness trends and our weekly podcast.

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you’ll receive our free fitness ideas, workouts, thoughts on the latest fitness news and trends, and reviews of workouts, fitness gear and curated fitness videos. Here’s a few examples of some of our recent content:

18 Reasons to Skip a Gym Membership in the New Year: Trying to decide between building a home gym or join a commercial one? Read my exhaustive list of annoying behaviors and other frustrating things you don’t have to deal with in your own, personal gym.

Don't Act Your Age: Can feeling younger improve your health and help you live longer? Jen has the scoop on the research, and shares a few practical tips on feeling younger.

How to Build an Awesome Home Gym: Looking to build out your home gym? I share my thoughts on the different levels of home gym, including practical tips on equipment and cost.

PF Quick Hits: What Can We Learn From The Rock's Diet?: In occasional “quick hits” newsletters, I share my thoughts on the latest fitness news and trends. My main takeaway after reading about the Rock’s super scientific diet? We aren’t going to look like him any time soon. Plus, my thoughts on discovering trail running.

Our podcast continues to grow in popularity, and is available via this Substack, as well as all major podcast platforms. If you’re interested in listening, our most popular episode on “fitness friends” is a great place to start.

Practically Fit
PF Episode 8: How Fitness Friends Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals
Listen now (22 min) | Are healthy habits contagious? In this episode, Jen and Alex talk about why they’re so thankful for fitness friends, and what the science says about hanging around people who stay in shape. Jen and Alex also share how their fitness friends have helped them through the years…
Listen now

Practically Fit Community

As we build a readership, we hope to find ways to interact with our readers and listeners. You can help us start by subscribing and commenting on our newsletter!

Thanks for reading.

— Alex

Subscribe to Practically Fit

Two best friends trying to escape fitness culture and sharing safe, real fitness ideas for people over 40.


I write about fitness topics for people over 40!
I’m a runner, writer and Texas transplant to San Francisco. I blog with my friend Alex Johnson about real fitness over 40 at Practically.Fit.